
The Gotchiverse is an ambitious, multiyear project being developed together by Pixelcraft Studios and AavegotchiDAO, the governing body of the Aavegotchi NFT Gaming Protocol.

It's generally impossible to predict accurate dates for new feature releases, but we are following the general roadmap below for major releases.

Alchemical Aaltars and Alchemical Channeling

This major release allows players to equip Alchemical Aaltars and Golden Aaltars onto the parcel and channel Alchemica. Aaltars can be upgraded with Alchemica and the upgrades can be sped up by spending GLTR token.

Status: Complete

Farming Release

This major release allows players to survey their parcel for Alchemica and then equip Harvesters, Reservoirs, and the Maaker Bot to their parcel, enabling farming and collecting Alchemica directly from the parcel.

Status: Complete

NFT Display + Paarty Portal Release

This major release introduces the NFT Display -- an installation used for displaying NFTs of various sizes into the Gotchiverse. It also introduces the Paarty Portal, an installation that can be used to create events that support deep links to spawn at a specific location directly in the Gotchiverse.

Status: Complete

Traits + Aarena Release

This major release synthesizes the unique traits of each Aavegotchi and Wearable to give every Aavegotchi in the Gotchiverse a different gameplay experience.

PVP between Gotchis will also be introduced in the Citaadel in a special area known as the Traaining Ground.

Status: Under Development

Gotchiverse Developer SDK

This major release allows developer to hook into the Gotchiverse to create custom experiences on their parcel.

Status: Planning

Estaates Release

This major release allows players to link parcels adjacent to each other into an Estaate, which gives various benefits to the Estaate owner

Status: Not Started

Gotchi Lodge, Guild Channeling

This major release introduces the Gotchi Lodge, a special Installation within the Gotchiverse that contains an "interior" room outside of the overworld.

Guilds will also be able to set Wearables as their official Guild Crest, and perform a form of communal channeling known as "Guild Channeling" once a week.

Status: Not Started

The Grid Expansion

This major release introduces a completely new playable area known as "The Grid", as well as new quests, storylines, and a completely new playable character -- the Lickquidator, mortal enemy of the Aavegotchis.

Status: Not Started

Individual Features

We also have many smaller features that are being worked on outside of the Major Releases.

Have a feature you'd love to see?

Check if it's already on our Feature Request board, and if not, definitely add it!

Last updated