Discord Verification

Verify your Discord in the Gotchiverse to unlock a restricted account.

If your name turns red in the Gotchiverse, it means your account has been flagged and restricted due to high probability of botting or other abuse.

The fastest way to remove this restriction is by linking your Discord account to the Gotchiverse.

Step 1: Visit https://verse.aavegotchi.com and click the Gear (Settings) icon after connecting your wallet.

Once your Discord account is linked, a score is generated to determine your Trust level.

After linking your Discord, if your account is still restricted, you can try the following actions:

Action 1: Update your profile picture in Discord

Action 2: Join the Aavegotchi Discord server at https://discord.gg/aavegotchi

Action 3: Read the instructions in #how-to-verify and then send commands in #get-verified. Verifying with CaptchaBot will give you a gray @AAVESOME role. Verifying with Collab.land will give you a pink @GOTCHIGANG role or green @LAANDLORD role.

Action 4: Enable Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) in Discord. Instructions on how to enable MFA (also known as 2FA) can be found here: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/219576828-Setting-up-Two-Factor-Authentication.

After performing the above actions, go back to the Gotchiverse settings page. Disconnect your Discord, and re-connect it. Now your account should be unrestricted!

Last updated